Sunday, 27 April 2014

Bring Faith On Vilayat Ali (a.s)

Muslims let come.

Talk about to lit the lamp of love.
Talk about to bring the faith on vilayat Ali (a.s)
Talk about to make this world peaceful
Talk about to bring the faith on vilayat Ali (a.s)
Talk about to make this world heaven
Talk about to bring the faith on vilayat Ali (a.s)
Talk about to erase the mistakes of elders
Talk about to bring the faith on vilayat Ali (a.s)
Muslims let come talk about to lit the lamp of love because love is only thing which can solve all the problems and difficulties of the world. If you want to create love in this world then bring faith on vilayat Ali (a.s) because I think if you bring on vilayat Ali (a.s) then God will with you.
Muslims let come talk about to make this world peaceful because this world can become peaceful only that time when you when you will faith on vilayat Ali (a.s) because it is the only point the God will be agree with you  because God always want the all people of the world bring faith on vilayat Ali (a.s).
Muslims let come talk about to make this world heaven ….. if you will bring faith on vilayat Ali (a.s)  then we will be succeed to make this world lake a heaven and one thousand years of peace will be establish because God want that the people of the world bring faith on vilayat aliu (a.s).
 We should talk about to erase the mistakes of our elders because after Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) our elders forgotten the declaration of Ghadir . So Muslims let come and be gather on one point of vilayat Hazrat Ali (a.s). Forget everything and gather on this point. I have strongly believe that you will be succeed in this world and also succeed on the judgment day.
Thank you very much my dear friends. Everyone have right to differ me. I shall never mind. I only described my own views. God bless everyone who belongs to this world and may God keep all of you in peace.
Syed Muhammad Tehseen Abidi.


مسلمانان اجازه آمده است.
بحث در مورد به روشن چراغ عشق .
بحث در مورد را به ایمان در ولایت علی (ع)
بحث در مورد به این جهان صلح آمیز
بحث در مورد را به ایمان در ولایت علی (ع)
بحث در مورد را به این بهشت جهان
بحث در مورد را به ایمان در ولایت علی (ع)
بحث در مورد به پاک کردن اشتباهات از بزرگان
بحث در مورد را به ایمان در ولایت علی (ع)
مسلمانان اجازه آمده بحث در مورد به روشن چراغ عشق چون عشق تنها چیزی است که می تواند تمام مسائل و مشکلات جهان را حل کند. اگر شما می خواهید برای ایجاد عشق در این دنیا ایمان در ولایت علی (ع) را به خاطر من فکر می کنم اگر شما در ولایت علی را (ع) سپس خدا با شما .
مسلمانان اجازه آمده بحث در مورد به این جهان صلح آمیز چرا که این جهان می تواند تبدیل به صلح آمیز است که فقط زمانی که شما هنگامی که شما ایمان در ولایت علی (ع) به این دلیل که تنها نقطهخدا خواهد شد با شما موافقم چون خدا همیشه همه می خواهم مردم جهان را به ایمان در ولایت علی (ع) .
مسلمانان اجازه آمده بحث در مورد را به این بهشت جهان ..... اگر شما ایمان در ولایت علی (ع) را پس از آن ما را موفق خواهد شد را به این دریاچه جهانآسمان و یک هزار سال صلح برقرار خواهد شد چون خدا می خواهم که مردم جهان را به ایمان در ولایت علی (ع
 ما باید زیرا پس از حضرت محمد ( ص ) بزرگان ما را فراموش اعلام غدیر در مورد به پاک کردن اشتباهات از بزرگان ما صحبت کنید. پس مسلمانان اجازه می آیند و بر روی یک نقطه از ولایت حضرت علی (ع) جمع آوری کنید. همه چیز را فراموش کرده ام و جمع آوری در این نقطه است. من قویا معتقدم که به شما خواهد شد در این جهان موفق و همچنین موفقیت در روز قضاوت.
خیلی از شما متشکرم دوستان عزیز من . هر کس حق من تفاوت داشته باشد. من هرگز از ذهن . من فقط نظرات شخصی خود توصیف کرد. خدا هر کسی که متعلق به این جهان را برکت دهد و خدا حفظ همه شما در صلح است.

دعونا المسلمين قادمة.
الحديث عن ل أضاءت مصباح الحب.
الحديث عن تحقيق الإيمان على فيلايات علي (ع)
الحديث عن لجعل هذا العالم السلمي
الحديث عن تحقيق الإيمان على فيلايات علي (ع)
الحديث عن لجعل هذه السماء العالم
الحديث عن تحقيق الإيمان على فيلايات علي (ع)
الحديث عن لمحو أخطاء شيوخ
الحديث عن تحقيق الإيمان على فيلايات علي (ع)
دعونا المسلمين يأتي الحديث عن أن أشعل مصباح الحب لأن الحب هو الشيء الوحيد الذي يمكن أن تحل كل المشاكل و الصعوبات التي تواجه العالم. إذا كنت ترغب في إنشاء الحب في هذا العالم ثم جعل الإيمان على فيلايات علي (ع) لأنني أعتقد لو وجهتم على فيلايات علي (ع) ثم شاء الله معك.
دعونا المسلمين يأتي الحديث عن لجعل هذا العالم السلمي لأن هذا العالم يمكن أن تصبح السلمية فقط ذلك الوقت عندما كنت عند إرادة الإيمان على فيلايات علي (ع) لأنه هو النقطة الوحيدة سيتم الله أتفق معك لأن الله يريد دائما كل شعوب العالم على تحقيق الإيمان فيلايات علي (ع) .
دعونا المسلمين يأتي الحديث عن لجعل هذا العالم السماء ..... اذا كنت سوف تجلب الإيمان على فيلايات علي (ع) ثم أننا سوف تنجح في جعل هذه البحيرة العالم السماء و ألف سنة من السلام سيتم إنشاء لأن الله يريد أن شعوب العالم على تحقيق الإيمان فيلايات علي (ع) .
 يجب أن نتحدث عن لمحو أخطاء شيوخنا لأنه بعد حضرة محمد ( ص ) شيوخنا نسي إعلان الغدير . لذلك دعونا يأتي و المسلمين أن جمع على نقطة واحدة من فيلايات الإمام علي (ع) . ننسى كل شيء وجمع على هذه النقطة. لقد نعتقد بقوة ان تكونوا النجاح في هذا العالم ، وكذلك النجاح على يوم القيامة.
شكرا جزيلا لك يا أصدقائي الأعزاء . الجميع لديهم الحق في الاختلاف لي. أعطي أبدا مانع. أنا فقط وصفت آرائي الخاصة . بارك الله كل من ينتمي إلى هذا العالم ، وربما يحفظ الله لكم جميعا في سلام.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Goe TV should Proved itself (Pakistan)

Goe TV should Proved itself.

If Geo TV channel understand itself that its foot marks do not go toward India Then it should do the following steps.
It`s should be unconditionally apologize from I.S.I.
It all owe taxes should be deposit in the National Treasury Immediately.
To display the cricket matches of IPL should turn off immediately on Geo super so the confidence of the public are restore on Geo because India do not include any Pakistani Player in IPL.
Geo should finish its monopoly and others TV channels should take be with itself because the others TV channels complain is legally right.  It`s biggest example is attack on Raza Rumi. Did Geo also make it ego problem like Hamid Mir?
Geo should rethink its relationship with India so the confidence of the public are restore on the Geo.
Thank you very much my dear friends. Everyone have right to differ me. I shall never mind. I only described my own views. God bless everyone who belongs to this world and may God keep all of you in peace.
Syed Muhammas TehseenAbidi.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Pakistan army.

Pakistan army.

In Islam a lie and baseless accusation to put on anyone is considered a serious crime and a great sin and any civil society does not allow it. The accuser has to prove his allegations. Otherwise the accuser is to be guilty. The elements those are accusing against the brave Pakistani army. They must prove their allegations Otherwise, if they are not succeeded their allegations. The cases of treason against them should be established. Due to these unfounded and false allegations a serious damage is being inflicting to the Pakistan army and is being did conspiracy to undermine military.
Thank you very much my dear friends. Everyone have right to differ me. I shall never mind. I only described my own views. God bless everyone who belongs to this world and may God keep all of you in peace
Syed Muhammad Tehseen Abidi.

Sunday, 20 April 2014


The arrival of  Noor -e - Hazrat Fatima (s.a)  in this world, great congratulation all the Muslims in the world.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Bring faith on wilayat Hazrat Ali a.s

اجازه بدهید، آمده نسبت به روند خوب است.

اگر شما به صلح در جهان می خواهید و سپس ایمان در ولایت حضرت علی ع
اگر می خواهید که زمین نشت گنجینه های خود را پس از ایمان در ولایت را حضرت علی ع
اگر می خواهید که در حال سقوط روزی مثل باران از آسمان و سپس شما را ایمان در ولایت حضرت علی ع
اگر می خواهید که شما را از کانال های کوثر است که در آسمان و سپس شما را ایمان در ولایت حضرت علی نوشیدن ع
اگر می خواهید که شما را از طریق پل صراط عبور به راحتی پس از شما را در آورد ولایت حضرت علی ع
اگر می خواهید که خدا به گناهان خود و سپس شما را ایمان در ولایت حضرت علی ع

خیلی از شما متشکرم دوستان عزیز من. هر کس حق من متفاوت داشته باشد. من هرگز ذهن. من فقط نظرات خود من شرح داده شده. خدا هر کس که متعلق به این جهان را برکت دهد و ممکن است خدا همه را حفظ از شما در صلح
سید محمد Tehseen عبیدی.

دعونا، وتأتي نحو عملية جيدة.

إذا كنت ترغب في السلام في العالم ثم جعل الإيمان على ولاية الإمام علي (ع)
إذا كنت تريد أن الأرض تمتد إلى كنوزها ثم جعل الإيمان على ولاية الإمام علي (ع)
إذا كنت تريد أن انخفاض القوت مثل المطر من السماء ثم وجهتم الإيمان على ولاية الإمام علي (ع)
إذا كنت تريد أن تشرب من الترعة من كوثر الذي في السموات ثم وجهتم الإيمان على ولاية الإمام علي (ع)
إذا كنت تريد أن تمرر من خلال جسر سيرات بسهولة ثم وجهتم على ولاية الإمام علي (ع)
إذا كنت تريد أن الله أن يغفر خطاياك ثم وجهتم الإيمان على ولاية الإمام علي (ع)

شكرا جزيلا لك يا أصدقائي الأعزاء. الجميع لديها الحق في الاختلاف لي. يجب أنا لم تمانع. أنا فقط وصف آرائي الخاصة. بارك الله كل من ينتمي إلى هذا العالم وربما حفظك الله لكم جميعا في سلام
سيد محمد Tehseen عبيدي.

Let, come toward good process.

If you want to peace in the world then bring faith on wilayat Hazrat Ali a.s.
If you want that the earth spill out its treasures then bring faith on wilayat Hazrat Ali a.s.
If you want that falling sustenance like a rain from the sky then you bring faith on wilayat Hazrat Ali a.s.
If you want that you drink from the canal of Kousar which is in heaven then you bring faith on wilayat Hazrat Ali a.s.
If you want that you pass through the bridge of Sirat easily then you bring on wilayat Hazrat Ali a.s.
If you want that God to forgive your sins then you bring faith on wilayat Hazrat Ali a.s.

Thank you very much my dear friends. Everyone have right to differ me. I shall never mind. I only described my own views. God bless everyone who belongs to this world and may God keep all of you in peace
Syed Muhammad Tehseen Abidi.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Vilayat-e-Ali (A.S)

Muslims let come.

Talk about the plan to kill the prophet (s.a.w)
Talk about the faith on vilayat Ali (a.s).
Talk about someone the sleeping on the bed of prophet (s.a.w) without fear.
Talk about the faith on vilayat Ali (a.s).
Talk about someone who afraid in the cave of soor
Talk about the faith on vilayat Ali (a.s).
Talk about to erase the mistakes of elders
Talk about the faith on vilayat Ali (a.s).

Thank you very much my dear friends. Everyone have right to differ me. I shall never mind. I only described my own views. God bless everyone who belongs to this world and may God keep all of you in peace. 
Syed Muhammad Tehseen Abidi.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Guns or Flowers.

Guns or Flowers

What do you want?
Flowers are symbol of love
Guns are symbol of death
This world is going toward the Extremism rapidly. The tolerance have finished in the mind of human because whatever is being showed to us in this world. We are returning to back this world. In the films or movies the violence is be shown at extreme point. The death is given to the people from the various types of guns in movies. Collision of cars, destruction of helicopters and crashes of planes these all things are to be part of the movies. What hero and what villain everyone look to play the bloodbath.  What do we learn to this?  Only and only extremism……. That why our world youth is going towards the extremism rapidly. The respect of elders is finished in our youths minds. We also learn selfishness from our movies.  We only see ourselves and all worlds went into the hell. We are no concerned from it. Each individual is becoming a businessman. So we are becoming a wealth earning machine. Moral values ​​have finished in this world. Our youth are becoming gangster and drug addict but which we watch in movies we try to do it. Youth first dream is that they become rich at a night. They adopt wrong ways to trying this. How we can come out from this situation. We will be great work.
I think wealth is not bad but its use is made it good or bad and making money is nor bad but what way we choose it is important. Is it a right way or wrong way? When you earn money which way choose to use it. Do You forget your parents, your relatives, your friends and helpless People or you selfish at that time? It is a very big question mark?
Now it is time to tell you that the flowers are the symbol of love. When you love from flowers then humbleness,   relaxation and comfort is created in your hearts. You start lover for the people. You feel love for your parents, you feel love for your relatives, you feel love for your friends, and you feel love for helpless and poor people and you feel special love for your girl friend at that time your all selfishness is finished. You help your parents, you help your relatives, you help your friends, you help your help the helpless, poor and needy people and you special help to your girl friend in their difficulties. So you become a very useful member of the world society. So please learn to love from flowers do not learn love from guns because flowers learns to love and the guns learn the play of death.
So decision is in your hand what do you want? You will love from flowers which are the symbol of love or you will love from guns which are the symbol of death.
Thank you very much my dear friends. Everyone have right to differ me. I shall never mind. I only described my own views. God bless everyone who belongs to this world and may God keep all of you in peace.
Syed Muhammad Tehseen Abidi.         


Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Progress of Pakistan.

 Progress of Pakistan.

 In the period of General Pervaz Musharraf.

1.       He spent his whole life fighting for this country, risking his life for the common person. 
2.        Pakistan was ranked third in world banking profitability.
3.        It industry was valued at around $2 billion, including $1 billion in exports and employed around 90,000 professionals.
4.       The CNG sector attracted over $70 billion in investment in the past five years and created 45,000 jobs.
5.       The telecommunications sector attracted around $10 billion in investments 
and created over 1.3 million jobs.
6.        Industrial parks were set up throughout the country for the first time. 
7.       Mega projects such as the Saindak, Rekodiq, marble production, coal production, mining and quarrying were pursued. 
8.       Foreign reserves increased from $700 million to $17 billion.
9.       The Karachi stock market went from 700 points to 15,000 points. 
10.   The literacy rate improved by 11 per cent.
11.    Poverty decreased by 10 per cent.
12.    Four dams were built: Mirani, Subakzai, Gomalzam, Khurram, and Tangi.
13.   Seven motorways were completed or were under construction, 
14.   Gwadar, an advanced sea port, was developed.
15.   650 kilometres of coastal highways were constructed.
16.   A historic 100% increase in tax collection (amounting to Rs1 trillion) was 
17.   Large scale manufacturing was at a 30- year high, and construction at a 17-year high.
18.    Copper and gold deposits were found in Chagai, worth about $600 million 
annually if sold.
19.    A new oil refinery with the UAE that could process 300,000 oil barrels a day was established.
20.    The industrial sector registered 26 per cent growth.
21.    The economy was the third fastest growing economy after China and India.
22.   The Institute of Space Technology was established.
23.    Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University Quetta was established.
24.    The University of Science and Technology, Bannu, was established.
25.    The University of Hazara was founded. 26. The Malakand University in Chakdara was established.
26.    The University of Gujrat was established.
27.   . The Virtual University of Pakistan was established.
28.    Sarhad University of IT in Peshawar was established.
29.    The National Law University in Islamabad was established.
30.    The Media University in Islamabad was established.
31.    University of Education in Lahore was established.
32.    Lasbela University of Marine Sciences, Baluchistan, was established.
33.    Baluchistan University of IT & Management, Quetta (2002).
34.    The Pakistan economy was worth $ 160 billion in 2007.
35.    GDP Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) was $ 475.5 billion in 2007.
36.    The GDP per Capita in 2007 was over $ 1000.
37.    Revenue collection in 2007/08 was Rs1.002 billion.
38.    Exports in 2007were worth $18.5 billion.
39.    Textile exports in 2007 were worth $11.2 billion.
40.    Foreign direct investment in 2007 was $8.5 billion.
41.    Debt servicing in 2007 was 26 per cent of the GDP.
42.    The poverty level in 2007 was 24 per cent.
43.    The literacy rate in 2007 was 53 per cent.
44.    Pakistan development programs in 2007 were valued at Rs520 billion.
45.    The Karachi stock exchange in 2007 was $70 billion at 15,000 points.
46.    Exports in 2007: $18.5 billion.
47.    Pakistan now has a total of 245,682 educational institutions in all categories, 
including 164,579 in the public sector and 81,103 in the private sector, according to the National Education Census (NEC-2005).
48. There are now more than 5,000 Pakistanis doing PhDs in foreign countries 
on scholarship. 300 Pakistanis receive PhD degrees every year, in 1999, the number was just 20. He is fighting to make Pakistan zindabad & insha Allah he will.

Thank you very much my dear friends. Everyone have right to differ me. I shall never mind. I only described my own views. God bless everyone who belongs to this world and may God keep all of you in peace. (Special thanks to Peer Zada Talib Naqvi for help me for this article.)

Syed Muhammad Tehseen Abidi.